Our Energy Enhancement System has been carefully calibrated in room dimensions and the exact geometric relationships of the scalar computer systems to each other, facing each other diagonally across the chamber, imploding and cascading frequencies that create the best atmospheric environment for you to receive life enhancing and health-boosting energy fields. By you cultivating receptivity and openness to the experience you can receive profound benefits. We are dealing with the 5th Dimension. This is non-Newtonian physics. It is not a little hand-held wand or device, often of dubious origin, but a grand aristocratic immersion into non-Hertzian wave technology designed by a PhD with the right background and connectivities. Are you ready for this?

EESystem immersion promotes cell regeneration via cellular charge, improves immune function, detoxification, and elevates mood and feeling. You may feel the vibratory effects during or after. It assists balancing of left-right hemispheres and clarity of mentality. With Body, Mind, Spirit and Science combined, the EESystem positively stimulates reaching higher states of health, self-actualisation, consciousness and spiritual peak states.  To help the process, before your booking in the Sanctuary, perhaps walk in the garden bare foot, in the park or by the water’s edge. You want a profound experience; your somatic existence very much wants it too; so help it to thrive!  The EESystem benefits are cumulative and if you have serious physical challenges this is good to keep in mind.
We offer synergistic therapies for somatic, physical, mental, psychical and spiritual integration that complement the EESystem and make for a very educative, all-round experience for all your perceptions and senses to graduate into higher states of integral being.
At an even deeper level, the IQ Sanctuary can help you build your inner resonant chamber for modes of accelerative biohacking to wellness recovery, health and healing. You don’t know what you don’t know, yet.
We are very proud to bring all these technologies to the Mornington Peninsula and beautiful Mt Eliza Community. You are ready for it.


Do you know how you breathe?  Put your hand on your upper chest and feel your breath beneath your hand. Without trying to control it or change it. Just feel it. Chances are your breathing will be shallow like most people you would meet in the store or street.
Take a deep breath and just notice. Most of us barely take in enough oxygen for our needs. Discover the tension, anxiety and pressure in your upper chest, possibly all over. It is time to take charge!
Begin the re-oxygenation of your blood, lymphatic system and body all-over with medical grade Hydrogen/Oxygen breathing. The results are amazing. 
One Hour Breatharium Session assisting Body, Mind, Heart, Breath and Blood Coherence. This is a Meditation like you have not experienced!
1.  Hydrogen/Oxygen 1 Hour with Intro Breathwork and Molecular Hydrogen Water $70
2. Hydrogen/Oxygen 1 Hour followed by 1 Hour in the EES Sanctuary $120

3. COMPLEX RED LIGHT THERAPY – Red, Near, Far & Pulsed Photo-Biomodulation Medical Level Full Body Panel.

Photo-Biomodulation (red, near and far infrared light) regenerates cells and reduces inflammation.  In combination with the EESystem this treatment provides deep intense electron stimulation, often with the experience of cells stirred vibrationally. The end-result being peace, relaxation and reduction of symptoms.                     .

There is an entire new regeneration model based on quantum biology, circadian rhythms and the effects of beneficial rays of light on the body. Light penetrates tissue to different depths assisting ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production for energy. ATP repairs and regenerates cells. In a Red Light Therapy session, nitric oxide is released helping circulation and triggering blood flow to stagnant areas, This reduces inflammation, helps with pain relief, while bringing much needed oxygenated blood to the limbs, torso and head.

Photo-Biomodulation is a term to describe a newly emerging science. “Photo”- light. “Bio” – living tissue. “Modulation” – change. Light therapy initiates photo-biomodulation in cells and tissues. As the body relaxes, it releases vital nutrients signalling damaged cells to repair. Near-infrared light reaches below the dermis to a depth of 5cms, down to the bone. Benefits include anti-ageing, recuperation and regeneration aspects.
Two Options:
A. 40 mins red light therapy (front of body and back – 20 mins each side and/or targeting problem areas, like swollen legs/oedema; painful back/shoulder blades; or blemished face – as examples to treat) Total $70 
B. FIR and NIR Infrared Therapy (40 mins) lying comfortably, preceded by Hydrogen/Oxygen Breathing Session of 60 mins: Total $99


  1. Somatic Decompression and Lymph Release (in a pressurised body suit).
    This therapy awakens whole body lymph to release and flow, aiding circulation greatly.
    This therapy alone produces good even amazing results, while we multiply and greatly magnify its effects by quantum leaps combined with other therapies producing profound outcomes.
    A. Lymph Release and Decompress 45 mins. $99.
    B. Short session 30 mins. $60
  2. Breatharian Session with Somatic Decompress and Deep Relaxation
    Circulation therapy –  lymph, blood and breath, entrain one-by-one in this session. Each of the body’s great circulatory systems (fluids, blood, carbon/oxygen movement) become entrained. Blood, nutrients and oxygen unstick, flow and move to parts of the body where they are needed most, while toxins are moved out of the body, lungs and blood-vessels, assisting multiple mechanism of self-healing and renewal. Breathwork in combination with a decompress session leaves a person feeling lighter on their feet, expanded in feeling, chest perceptually more roomy; breath is opened up and age slips from the face like a mask.
    Both therapies: 1 Hr 15 Mins  $140


– A process. 7 organs & Systems immersion. Cleanse and Detox – skin, blood, breath, lymph, soul, subtle body, spirit
Experience your Divine Being.
This starts off as a decompression of the body which, due to exhaustion and bracing against the world, is usually compressed, tight and dense.
As the body and inner systems open up through Breatharian therapy (reopening respiratory, circulatory and cardiovascular senses and reconnection), with a detox of physical and subtle systemics assisted through meditational salt clearing. (Done while lying relaxed and opening.)
The next phase uses vital energy medicine clearing and sensitising a person to their energy systems and chakras.
(This process is not taken for granted. The secularisation of this once sacred and profound knowledge in our era has mostly eroded the correct reading and cleansing of these systems. We have the background and experience at the Sanctuary, without prejudice, to help you directly via ancient and primordial connection.)

The Wands of Horus accompany the last meditative and contemplative phase of this therapy. They take a person via their crystalline cores into the ancient initiative experience of the original Pharaoahs themselves, while securing it back into the healing practises and sensations of the antediluvian.
This is a sensitising, cocoon-like experience where a person in taken far into themselves to experience closer who they really are in a deeply satisfying and memorable way. Cells and subtle systems get engraved with the memory as part of the evolutionary process of becoming and being divine and human.
  1. Somatic Decompression (pressurised body suit)  
  2. Breatharian session (Breathing Meditation)  
  3. Salt Purification  
  4. Energy Medicine Healing  (Subtle Body Clearing and Awakening)
  5. Wands of Horus (Pharaonic Technology of the Divine)
With Dr MAG – A signature experience
120 Mins/2 hours


Consultations tailored to you (75-90 mins) in person or in Zoom.
These sessions are for those who want to jump into the IQ of their Energy Selves and Heal. All level healing.
Here’s what I mean: People start at different entrance points of the spectrum coming to us, depending on their ills, needs, time of life, and issues:
with a physical disease or chronic condition; anxiety, stress or depressive circles of darkness; or unidentified pains that seem to come from everywhere or nowhere; dreams or nightmares and crises of identity; spiritual pain; issues of the “other side”; yogic practises that delivered wrong energy; hidden grief; emotional pain and struggles against inflicting odds…
With every opportunity for a new life or a new world of renewal there is always an entrance, a doorway, be it small or large, to change, with discovery, resolution, transformation, happiness and joy.
Noting: Zoom sessions are very effective. It is like being in the room one-on-one. No distraction.

• Evolve Consciousness Therapy (EC Therapy)
• Primordial Energy Psychology
• IQuantum Meditation,
• Spiritual Healing, Mentoring and Coaching

No bones about it. You want to feel transparent, true, in touch with your real self, with the ability to monitor and manage your energy system
and begin to feel your full, glorious iquantum being that emanates clarity and self-respect Preludes to taking on Life and succeeding at anything!

You additionally want to feel the benefits of becoming centred, aligned, and able to discern your inner needs as distinct from the needs of others.
First STOP from trying to please everybody. You never will.
Isn’t it about time you gave yourself a chance to hear from within what your body, mind, emotions and soul needs of YOU?
How about pleasing the all of you? It is a very different place.

Sessions consist of consultation first, followed by starting to awaken your inner energetic system.
This is a precise meditation and you will feel your self on many levels gradually waking.
As your inner dynamism sparks, discernment will return or be reborn, refreshing your entire being.

This therapy includes consideration of physical and mental challenges, past traumas, griefs.
The process of getting free, detox, clearing the course, realigning with the stars and universe.
An integral approach. It includes energy healing. It includes you awakening to your own inner energy system and piloting your way yourself, securely – gradually or fast. It is all  about restorative connection empowering YOU.

75 mins $260
90 mins $290
(Ask about EES Remote. Send photo of self.)


12 weeks. Weekly sessions  (75 mins). 6 in the Sanctuary, 6 on Zoom.
An exploration of mind, body, memory, soul, spirit and psyche beyond anxiousness, identity loss, fear, and self-sabotage. A process of relief and return to the freedom of your primordial being.
Utilising the research and experiential processes of  Evolutionary Consciousness Psychology with its spiritual immersion and integration processes (LaTrobe University Postgraduate research). We can discover ourselves in the IQuantum Universe and return to coherence and peace within it. This is the peace that “passeth all understanding”.
A very personal signature journey delving into self, culture, history, the psychology of consciousness; plus realisation that comes with personally recognisable, outstanding inner growth.
How far do you want to go? This is an alchemic journey, one delving deep into the True Grail of Life.
The journey starts with known figures like Carl Jung, Fritjof Capra, then Medieval Alchemists, ancient Zoroastrians, back to Neolithic Somatic cultures, long-forgotten in their self-expressions –  while following the human Subtle System journey of consciousness in us, in you, and beginning to  awaken globally in human life. Do you want to gain wisdom, experience and release?
The 12 weeks is combined with a 16 hours (8 sessions) EESystem package over 3 months.
(Call for a complimentary discovery and clarity call with Dr MAG to see if this is for you.)


A beautiful, nurturing massage tailored to your needs guided by intuitive and experienced practitioners.