Introduction to Our Healing Space

After many decades in the energy medicine and vibrational healing space, opening an EESystem Centre came as a natural unfoldment. 
A large portion of the Australians population is slowly coming over to alternative and energy methodologies to attain, health, happiness and vibrational stability, having come from disenfranchised masses, disillusioned over Covid-19 mandates, lockdowns, and a very real sense our individual freedoms are being sacrificed for unseen benefactors outside the purview of the public eye. A relentless unease has fuelled a search for meaning, knowledge, freedom and power in many people, searching for perhaps power in ways never envisioned previously, before a certain virus captured the news, the government and the sense of our grounded wellbeing.

We are not unaware of this, nor of the struggle, and even existential challenge in many ways for many Australians to go forward in life confidently, and it has not become very much easier. Many of us are suffering on a daily basis from mental challenges, physical pain, stress, distress, anxiety, and sometimes little will to go on. Then we gather ourselves, crest the pain, find the will, and our lives go up then down again, never really arriving at a state of sighing relief.

The IQ Wellness Sanctuary has been founded on energetic principles and on the intelligence of the innate knowing within us. We want the Sanctuary to be a place of peace and replenishment, a haven that feels secure, safe, while providing a much-needed environment and space for replenishment, health, healing and spiritual renewal.  This is possible in the right space. Often all it needs is that gentle nurturing and the knowledge we are all in a nursery of matter, substance and light.

The IQuantum Wellness Sanctuary welcomes you, friends and family to experience the revitalising effects of scalar enhancement. The EESystem, programmed and calibrated By Dr Sandra Rose Michael and her team, generates bioactive life-enhancing energy fields and bio-photonic light, ushering us into a deep state of relaxation, while re-charging our cellular “batteries,” lifting up their mini-electrical charges (measured by millivolts), and resulting in us feeling more charged, vital, and more energy enhanced.
We are delighted to offer you our womb-like Sanctuary providing a “Field-Matrix Chamber” of Scalar Waves to cumulatively,actualise  within you, delicious, “full spectrum health” (Dr. L. Botchis PhD)

As the body cells age they decrease in voltage, causing a decreased ability to recuperate. According to Dr Sandra’s research scalar energy recharges the cells throughout the body assisting a multitude of healthy benefits from a lift in spirit, mental outlook, emotional rebalance, physical improvement. Results are backed by ongoing quantifiable research and evidenced based clinical studies.
I personally view enhanced immune-system with improved immune response, as a major factor in EESystem benefits.
If your immune system strengthens, you are actualising “immunotherapy” – without the drugs. We need a lot more of this. For example, a raised immune response can better ward off viruses of all kinds, lifts mood and sense of wellbeing about life. Often a sense of doom is related to suppressed immunity. We want to stimulate the joy-response and feel invincible about our life. All this is achievable in a grounded way.

Our IQuantum Room is set up with 12 computer screens, carefully aligned and calibrated to create a zero-point energy field and torsion donut field that bathes those continually who are in the field. The frequency bath is gentle and aligning. All you have to do is participate, breathe, lay back on one of our comfortable recliners or antigravity chairs with or without blanket, and enjoy two hours of self-care and self-healing amid our nurturing, IQuantum environment. 

The body heals itself given the right atmosphere and conditions. Maximise the body’s natural ability to regenerate and reorganise itself from chaotic, harried, jittery, restless, painful or dis-eased states, to more aligned, coherent spaces where the body opens up its abilities to self-heal. Like a supercharger battery for your cells the EESystem® generates multiple bio-active energy fields. These allow the body to heal and rejuvenate itself.

Some of recorded results:
• Cell-regeneration, improved circulation; immune system boost
• Feelings of Calmness, Zen, Oneness, Peace
• Better Mental Health
• Relief from Severe Pain
• Natural Healing & Rejuvenation
• A Sense of Increased Energy and Relaxation
• Improved Existential Sureness with Mental Flexibility and Clarity.
• Higher potential and higher aims feel easier to attain, within reach, with a recharged, focused energy.